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If you would like paper copies of any document please contact either of the school offices on:

  1. Chellington Accessibility Plan 2023-2025 Updated January 2023
    PDF File
  2. Chellington Allegations of Abuse against Staff Updated March 2023 + Low Level Concerns May 2023
    PDF File
  3. Chellington Anti-Bullying Policy March 2024
    PDF File
  4. Chellington Assessment Policy Updated January 2024
    PDF File
  5. Chellington Attendance Policy Updated Dec 2023
    PDF File
  6. Chellington Behaviour Policy Updated February 2024
    PDF File
  7. Chellington Behaviour Towards Staff by Parents, Carers and Visitors Policy Updated March 2024
    PDF File
  8. Chellington Bereavement Policy Updated May 2024
    PDF File
  9. Chellington Best Value Statement Updated February 2024
    PDF File
  10. Chellington Charging and Remissions Policy March 2023 amendment
    PDF File
  11. Chellington Child-on-Child Abuse policy Updated Sept 2023
    PDF File
  12. Chellington Child Protection - Safeguarding Policy Updated Sept 2023
    PDF File
  13. Chellington Complaints Policy and procedure Updated Feb 2024
    PDF File
  14. Chellington Computing and Acceptable Use Policy Updated September 2023
    PDF File
  15. Chellington Data Breach Policy 2023
    PDF File
  16. Chellington Data Protection Policy December 2023
    PDF File
  17. Chellington Debt recovery policy November 2023
    PDF File
  18. Chellington Educational Visits Policy Updated January 2023
    PDF File
  19. Chellington Equality and Inclusion Updated February 2024
    PDF File
  20. Chellington EYFS Policy Updated Oct 2023
    PDF File
  21. Chellington First Aid Policy Updated September 2022
    PDF File
  22. Chellington Freedom of Information Scheme
    PDF File
  23. Chellington Health and Safety Policy March 2023
    PDF File
  24. Chellington Health and Safety Policy (Fire Safety) May 2024
    PDF File
  25. Chellington Internet and Online-Safety Policy Updated February 2023
    PDF File
  26. Chellington Intimate Care Policy Updated January 2023
    PDF File
  27. Chellington Looked After and Previously Looked After Policy Updated May 2024
    PDF File
  28. Chellington Marking and Feedback Policy Updated January 2024
    PDF File
  29. Chellington Medicines in school and medical needs Updated May 2023
    PDF File
  30. Chellington Positive Handling Policy September 2022
    PDF File
  31. Chellington Privacy Notice 2023
    PDF File
  32. Chellington Relationships Education Policy July 2023
    PDF File
  33. Chellington Religious Education Policy May 2023
    PDF File
  34. Chellington Remote Learning Policy Updated October 2023
    PDF File
  35. Chellington Safer Recruitment Policy Updated September 2023
    PDF File
  36. Chellington Special Educational Needs Policy January 2024
    PDF File
  37. Chellington Spirituality policy Updated Sept 2023
    PDF File
  38. Chellington Subject Access Request Policy December 2023
    PDF File
  39. Chellington Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Updated September 2023
    PDF File
  40. Chellington Use of School Premises Policy Updated December 2022
    PDF File