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SEND and Inclusion

The Chellington Federation recognise that all our pupils are individuals with different strengths and needs.  Sometimes we identify children who have particular learning needs that are not being met through the mainstream curriculum.  We support children in different ways including differentiated activities, small group work, pre- teaching or implementing adult support.

Each school in the Federation maintains a register of children with Special Educational Needs which helps to ensure children receive the appropriate level of support. Parents will be informed if their child needs to go on to the register. The categories on the SEN register are:

Targeted Support – Children who need additional support that can involve seeking advice from agencies outside the school such as Speech and Language Therapists. Children at School Support will have Additional Support Plans written detailing how we meet their needs.  Their provision is also included on the teacher’s daily planning.

Specialist Support – Some children will have special needs which require a higher level of support or adult expertise to manage and it may be necessary to apply for an Education Health Care Plan. This would ensure that we are meeting the child’s specific needs and that all agencies involved with the child have an input.

If your child is on the Special Needs register you will be informed.

If you wish to discuss any issues or concerns around SEND, please email the school office who will pass details to the relevant school SENDCO.